Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

black ops prestige symbols

black ops prestige symbols. cod lack ops prestige symbols
  • cod lack ops prestige symbols

  • freeny
    Jul 20, 08:18 AM
    I wonder what they're going to call them, Quad sounds cool but "Octa or Octo" just sounds a bit silly.


    The Mactopus??
    Ive already trademarked "OctoCore" and "CoreOcto";)
    Just keep saying it to yourself. After about the 12th time it just starts rolling off your tongue...

    black ops prestige symbols. lack ops prestige symbols in
  • lack ops prestige symbols in

  • skunk
    Mar 22, 07:59 PM
    Probably, but it was certainly orchestrated to look anything but. Sarkozy was very obliging in shooting his mouth off, as was Cameron. It may have just been luck, but if so it was a remarkable piece of luck to have 4 submarines, a flagship-capable surface ship and all necessary support in the right place at the right time. These things don't travel very fast.

    black ops prestige symbols. cod lack ops prestige symbols
  • cod lack ops prestige symbols

  • supremedesigner
    Jul 14, 03:31 PM
    A new Mac Pro for $1799? Not bad people!!!! In essence Apple is cutting the price of the current Dual Core 2 GHz G5 PowerMac by $200..... The same price as it is on the EDU store.

    If you want something cheaper, buy an iMac for Christ's sake! That's why Apple has made them as powerful as they are now. They are meant as a bridge between the "Con-sumer" and the "Pro-sumer". PowerMacs have been and always will be for PROFESSIONALS!!!! Not the weekend warrior who "dabbles" in Photoshop. That's what the iMac is for people!!!

    In my opinion and thoughts there will be no difference between these and the current G5 PowerMacs in performance.

    As for Dual Optical Drives? AMEN! It is a hassle and waste of HD space when you need to copy a disc, especially Application Discs that you might want to keep in a safe place but have a copy always handy. I'm contemplating buying an external DVD Burner to hook up to my Dual Core G5 PM for these very reasons. I might wait though for a Blu Ray Disc Burner first though.

    The thing that perplexes me is the relocation of the Power Supply to the top. This is either bogus info or they know something they aren't letting on about all the Liquid Cooling problems that have been arising lately in the repair world.
    Plus would this not put a strain on the power cord since the cord would have its own weight hanging down on it instead of how it currently comes out of the back of the tower and immediately lays on the floor or desk surface? Something's fishy about this.

    LOL! It hadn't come out yet and people are still complainin'? That cracked me up :)

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols All
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols All

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 11:02 AM
    I might not expect IPS, doesn’t it draw more power than TN LCDs?

    I don't think you'll see IPS screens in MacBook Pro's or Air in the future.
    Apple is working on the mass market now and mass market don't care about quality of the screens specially on the portables.
    If you need colors and better screen then Apple will sale you "****ing glossy amazing" 27" display. :)

    black ops prestige symbols. COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 02:45 PM
    I would add

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • miamijim
    Apr 8, 01:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was at BB yesterday and inquired about buying one. They has them but the manager wouldn't sell me one. He refuses to tell me why and I was told that he was instructed to hault sales temporarily. Hmmm

    He does not have to tell you anything... in fact if he did his job would be on the line.

    black ops prestige symbols. wii lack ops prestige symbols
  • wii lack ops prestige symbols

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 14, 10:58 PM
    How would you burn two DVDs at once Eldorian? I don't know of any software that lets you do this do you? :confused:

    I agree it would be nice. But I can't imagine how.

    Uhhhh Nero Burning ROM does , oops i forgot there is no Nero for Mac just plain

    I just love my Dual 16x NEC ND-3550A's :D ...burn baby burn.

    Also if this is the Best Apple can do at these prices then they should have just went Conroe, These MacPros are going to get killed by $999 Mom and Pop's PC's from Gateway/HP/Dell.

    512MB DDR2 on a $1799 PC in mid 2006 , you gotta be f**kin' kidding me. Jobs must really think you people are stupid.

    man I guess I won't even have to OC my E6600 to cream that $2499 machine. This was a stupid move Apple. Pay more for Less.

    black ops prestige symbols. COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • yoak
    Apr 10, 02:04 PM
    It will be very interesting to see what it will be like. I just hope that it will be able to take advantage of all the power of my old MP. I feel pretty confident it will.
    It�s interesting that the software takes 3 years to catch up with the hardware. It just crossed my mind that they might have tried all a long to release the new FCS and Thunderbolt at the same time.
    Otherwise there really would be no reason to upgrade your hardware as it suddenly will be handle your software faster than when you bought it

    black ops prestige symbols. lack ops prestige symbols for
  • lack ops prestige symbols for

  • tjanuranus
    Mar 27, 03:40 AM
    If you want to buy one here you go. No need to wait for Trim support

    black ops prestige symbols. COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 24, 11:55 PM
    Oh I forgot. Still no qualifying/race weekends. LAME
    I don't know how far you are into the game, but I've read that qualifying is used later in the game for some of the bigger, championship races. I don't know this for sure, so don't hold me to it. But, you might get to qualify for SOME races... at some point.... maybe. :confused:

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • chatin
    Aug 20, 02:21 PM
    Mac Pros will need 64bit Leopard to achieve their full multi-core potential. Expect all Core 2 based Macs to hold value well through the next release cycle of OSX Leopard.

    Apple is still selling G5's on the website for $3299! Until
    Adobe gets out - and optimizes - universal binaries, Quad G5 will sell for more than Quad Xeon Mac Pros!


    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:51 PM
    The US GSM carriers suck. T-Mobile has great customer service, but their coverage stinks. Cingular has great coverage, but they have BY FAR the worst customer service.

    Plus EVDO beats the pants off of EDGE. And Verizon + Sprint + Amp'd + US Cellular + a bunch of other, smaller CDMA carriers account for over 60million potential customers in the US. If they only do a GSM version of the phone, it'll be a big mistake.

    EDGE is not meant to compare with EVDO, UTMS is.

    Can you imagine them making the phone only for CDMA? That translates to "US only." There will be a GSM version, it will most likely support UTMS, which is as good or better than EVDO.

    Even assuming for the sake of argument, which I don't in reality, that CDMA is better than GSM for voice, the annoyance of not being able to swap SIM cards is enough for me to avoid it.

    That and the fact I can't use it anywhere outside the US.

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    UGH! That didn't take long before the sharks swarmed!

    How ridiculous. :rolleyes:

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:41 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    black ops prestige symbols. lack ops prestige symbols
  • lack ops prestige symbols

  • anim8or
    Apr 6, 07:52 AM
    Ah delivery on a drive that would be nice although as we archive to SR I suspect we won't do it for a while.

    Promo departments will only every get a DVD with time code across it from me as all to often I have seen them do something we have said they can't with the footage, I like to control exactly what they get to do with it.

    Delivery on drives is such a nice concept but unfortunately like the quoted poster mentions drives are not ideal archive media... Tapes are still miles better in terms of long term robustness.

    Now if SSD prove to be robust enough to be used in archival processes then i can see a completely tapeless environment taking the stage.

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • ruutiveijari
    Oct 15, 01:06 PM
    Why would Apple show their Clovertown workstations after HP and not simultaneusly with HP?
    Because HP is a much bigger company with much bigger sales volume and probably gets all the new processors before Apple does.

    black ops prestige symbols. COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • COD Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • vincenz
    Mar 26, 07:34 AM
    Summer can't come soon enough!

    black ops prestige symbols. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
  • Black Ops Prestige Symbols

  • fivepoint
    Mar 17, 11:18 AM
    So please 5P, provide some evidence on how Obama sold himself as a "dove".

    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    black ops prestige symbols. cod lack ops prestige symbols
  • cod lack ops prestige symbols

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 19, 09:21 AM
    I'm 100% sure the GT site says all the cars were remodeled for the ps3, as in not the ps2 cars.


    As in not copypasta'd over from gt4.
    All that I get from that quote is that they are using older models, but that they will, obviously, be rendered in the new GT5 engine. So, the marketing team can say all they want, but actual screen shots of Standard� cars do not show much improvement, if any at all, resolution increase notwithstanding.
    Do we know if all cars have fully modelled interiors or if thats just for the luxury cars?
    No, the only cars that have an interior view are the Premium� models. From NSB's link above...
    Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

    iPad 2
    Apr 11, 11:32 AM
    I think this is misdirection on Apple's part to increase iPhone 4 sales.

    There's a ton of people who got the 3GS and are waiting on the iPhone 5 to make an upgrade. They are not going to upgrade to an year old model with the tiny 3.5 screen, no LTE and an outdated cpu and an extremely outdated gpu. If they are made to wait too long, they'll go to one of the many competitors offering great smartphones with dual core cpus, cutting edge gpus, LTE/4G and a nice 4" screen. Apple is already making A5 socs for the iPad 2. Why not just stick one of those into the iPhone 4's body and call it a day for now, and release the iPhone with the 4" screen and LTE in January?

    The iPhone 4 has a lot of flaws that people are waiting to see improved. Look at this thread...

    Apr 11, 01:01 PM
    I don't understand - you can't "add" 3GS, because 3GS is not a data network. 2G and 3G is� the S in the iPhone 3Gs simply stood for "speed", because it was faster than the iPhone 3G.

    "the 3GS also adds support for 7.2 Mbit/s HSDPA allowing faster downlink speeds"

    Technically he's right.

    Jul 27, 10:12 AM
    i cant wait to do this to my mac mini. i bought the core solo with the intention of upgrading the chip myself (once i heard core 2 was pin to pin compatible) but my question now is does anyone know if the version shipping is still pin to pin compatible???!?!?!

    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    How long would have been reasonable, do you think? A week is not too bad, especially considering we've just had the Easter holidays.

    Also it's surely better to spend time to get something right. Clearly Apple has had to investigate the iOS source code to find out what was actually going on, as it obviously wasn't behaving as expected. Finding the right engineers and actually doing the work isn't a matter of hours.

    2 days. When it was first reported. Almost a year ago.

    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    I was looking forward to seeing mine seeing as I've been doing a lot of travelling last few months, then I remembered I'm still running 3.1.3.

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